
Even though most deliveries are done with no complications at all, it is a good idea to equip yourself for potential problems ahead. It is also important to be aware that if complications happen, the medical professional present might have to change the initial plans to deal with the issue. This article will take you through some of the most common complications associated with birth and what your doctor will recommend in the situation and what you can do yourself to prevent them.
Common complications
Placenta previa
If your doctor tells you that you have placenta previa, this means that the placenta is covering up your cervix. This makes a natural birth almost impossible and in the most cases your doctor will recommend a cesarean delivery.
Breech position
Breech position is what you call it when a baby looks to be delivered with its feet first. This is quite normal and happens in about 4% of all full term deliveries.
This can sometimes be detected several weeks before your due date. In that case, your doctor will try to reposition your baby. If the child is still in breech when labor begins, your doctor will advise against a vaginal birth and recommend a cesarean delivery.
Low birth weight
Your doctor will determine right after birth if your child is of the right weight-to-height proportion. If this is not the case your child could potentially suffer from blindness, heart infections, respiratory infections and eventually learning disabilities.
In the case of a low birth weight your doctor might insist to keep your baby up to a few months at the hospital, for observation and rehabilitation.
Preventing complications
It is of cause not all complications you can prevent, but you can do quite a lot yourself to avoid the common ones. First thing to revise is what your put in your body. The very basic part of this is to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and taking illegal drugs of all sorts. While on the topic of drugs, ask your doctor fs any of the medications you are taking (if you are taking any) is okay during pregnancy. Next thing is about putting good things in you; eat healthy meals with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, plenty of fiber and lean protein sources. If you are worried that you are not getting everything you need you can acquire vitamins specially made for pregnant women. If your diet has been successful you should have gained 25 to 35 pounds at the end of your pregnancy.
You should also start to think about reducing your stress levels. This can be done in a multitude of ways; music therapy, mindfulness and yoga are all good bids. You can also get a doula that can help you getting into a more relaxed state, by sharing their knowledge and wisdom.
I hope this small introduction has helped illuminate a few things for you and you now have a better idea of what to look further into before the big day arrives. Good Luck.